Pomelo / honey pomelo is a tremendous source of vitamin C and a burst of delightful acidity in your mouth. Plus, pomelo / honey pomelo is available half an year, and it stores very well.
Step 1,
Hold the fruit to see if it feels heavy; the heavier it is, the juicier.
Step 2,
Look for firm, smooth peels. Thin peels mean there's more fruit inside.
Step 3,
Avoid fruit that feels coarse or mushy or has soft spots.
Step 4,
Smell the fruit. It should have a faint, sweet fragrance at room temperature.
Step 5,
Store pomelo/Honey pomelo at room temperature if you'll eat it in a week or so; otherwise, it will keep in the crisper for six to eight weeks.
Tips & Warnings
1. Pomelo is ripe when picked.
2. Surface marks usually do not affect the fruit inside, but aviod buying burised fruit. Green skin is fine in an pomelo.
3. A pomelo is one of the oldest citrus fruits (a grapefruit is actually a cross between an orange and a pomelo), and is starting to become more widely available in the U.S.. It's very popular in Asia.Eat a pomelo like you would a grapefruit, especially, honey pomelo has thin skin and seedless.