
Get a sight of the Fifth Honey Pomelo Festival 2009 in Pinghe China

honey pomelo girl at the Fifth Pomelo Festival of Pinghe China.

Slogan 1 of the Fifth honey pomelo festival of Pinghe China.

Slogan 2 of the Fifth honey pomelo festival of Pinghe China.

Slogan 3 of the Fifth honey pomelo festival of Pinghe China.

One of European purchasers say "Ni Hao, Pinghe (Hello, Pinghe)" in Chinese at the pomelo festival on Oct.16, 2009.

Opening ceremony of the Fifth guanxi pomelo festival of Pinghe on Oct. 16th, 2009.

Ecological agriculture

More than 2000 pomelo delars and suppliers at home and abroad attend to the Fifth honey pomelo festival on Oct. 16th, 2009.

The display team at the pomelo festival 2009.

Lion dance team at the pomelo festival 2009.

Pomelo Girls

The girl of the white bud chelan tea.

Lots of tourist bus go to the pomelo festival 2009.

Flok arts team at the Pomelo Festival 2009.

Decorated vehicle 1 in parade at the honey pomelo festival 2009.

Decorated vehicle 2 in parade at the honey pomelo festival 2009.

Decorated vehicle 3 in parade at the honey pomelo festival 2009.

Decorated vehicle 4 in parade at the honey pomelo festival 2009.

Decorated vehicle 5 in parade at the honey pomelo festival 2009.

Decorated vehicle 6 in parade at the honey pomelo festival 2009.

Decorated vehicle 7 in parade at the honey pomelo festival 2009.

Decorated vehicle 8 in parade at the honey pomelo festival 2009.

Decorated vehicle 9 in parade at the honey pomelo festival 2009.

Decorated vehicle 10 in parade at the honey pomelo festival 2009.

Decorated vehicle 11 in parade at the honey pomelo festival 2009.

Decorated vehicle 12 in parade at the honey pomelo festival 2009.

Decorated vehicle 13 in parade at the honey pomelo festival 2009.

Decorated vehicle 14 in parade at the honey pomelo festival 2009.


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