
Growth condition of pomelo tree

1. Temperature
Pomelo tree
belongs to subtropical evergreen fruit tree. It is fond of warm and humid weather, fear cold. Thus, temperature is the determinant factor for the distribution and growth of pomelo trees. The most agreeable temperature: annual average temperature 16.6-21.3℃, January average temperature 5.4-13.2℃. Most suitable temperature for sprout is 12.5℃. Most suitable temperature for growth is 23-30℃. Temperature exceeding 37℃ inhibits the growth.

2. Sunshine
Among all the citrus fruit trees, pomelo
is relatively shade resistant. But to have high output with high quality, it still needs preferable sunshine condition. With adequate sunshine, the leaves are dense and green. Due to more accumulation of photosynthesis, there are more sugar and less acid in the fruit which improves the fruit quality and its storability and reduce the plant diseases. If hide and reduce sunshine, the fruit quality would apparently be inferior. But pomelo should avoid direct strong sunshine. Normally it require sunshine with the intensity of 8500 to1200lux.

3. Soil
Pomelo tree
has wide adaptability on soil categories and soil PH value. Pomelo tree can survive and grow on all the kinds of soils, such as Red soil and yellow soil which are developed from granite, limestone, sandstone or argillite, laterit soil which is developed from basalt, purple soil which is developed from purple shale, alluvium soil on delta-marginal plain, paddy soil.
Pomelo trees can be planted in all places like mountain, sloping field, paddy, river banks, neighborhood of house and villages etc.

3. Water
complete its systematic growth in the circumstances with high temperature and humidity. Thus, abundant water is necessary during its growth.

4. Wind
Breeze and light wind promote pollination, boost the air flow in the orchard which is good for adjusting the temperature and the humidity in the orchard, accelerate roots absorbance, raise photosynthesis and reduce the spreading of plant diseases.


  1. Dear specialists,

    Thank you very much for the information in this blog!
    Could you help me with a question? Can you tell me if the requirements for pomelo's are the same as for other Citrus species, in other words, do pomelo's grow side by side with other Citrus species in your country?

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