
How to select quality Guanxi pomelo

Guanximiyou (Chinese name), which is called Guanxi pomelo in English, delicious introduced throughout the country many, technology, management of natural uneven, so the market will be different from the quality of the pomelo. How to buy the delicious taste of Guanxi pomelo, to prevent the purchase of fake and shoddy products, please follow me on it!

1. Glance
Great fruit on the bottom of the small flat side of the pomelo, thin, juicy, sweet flesh of the mouth, excellent variety; and a round-shaped fruit of pomelo, thick skin, thick flesh, sweet taste, to preserve a long time good quality.

2. Touch
Not smooth out rough skin, the touch of fruit Shen, the fruit taste better; the other hand, poor quality.

3. Time
Rain this year, before the National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival, pick the heaviest weight 3.5-4.5 kg for Friends Guanximiyou; October 3-4 kg in weight than the pomelo; election in November weight of 2-3 kg Guanximiyou better; 1.5-2.5 kg in December following heavy Guanximiyou better.

4. Attention Whatever the season this year, you must weight not to buy more than 5 kg of pomelo. Guanximiyou more than 5 kg, in addition to experts and farmers, you can only get worse taste, pulp rough grain of the pomelo serious.

Method described above for most people, if you like the taste of acid sites, it is time to pick fruit to eat in advance. In other words, you buy in October on the use of fruit picked in November elections pomelo fruit size (2-3 kg in October out of the pomelo fruit weight), so you will be able to meet the "sour."

Tomorrow to see to understand the market a few Guanximiyou election. First meet alone to enjoy the National Day holiday, and then prepared a number of such natural fruit canned food, friends and family need to stay sober when Xiaoshi, and show good fruit, and the hangover is a rare dish of food.


  1. Hello, where i can buy one tree of Guanxi pomelo?, i live in Europe.

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